
Caerwys Memorial Institute
To book the Caerwys Memorial
Institute and
for any further enquiries - please
Chambers - Secretary & Treasurer
The Caerwys Memorial Institute was built in 1922,
as a war memorial to the men who fell in service of their King and Country during the Great War. The land was donated to the
people of Caerwys by the Right Honourable Sir John Herbert Lewis - who was a member of the then, His Majesty's Privy Council.
(Sir Herbert resided in Plas Penucha, Pen -y- Cefn, Caerwys) . Apart
from the memorial building a Bowling Green was included, which has turned out to be one of the best Crown Greens in North
Wales. In 1926 Sir Herbert donated a further parcel of land to the people of Caerwys - which is where the two tennis courts
and the children's playground is situated. The building can be hired for functions and meetings (no alcohol is allowed
as this was a condition placed on the agreement for the donated land). Presently the building is used for various meetings, such
as the Town Council, Farmers Union, Woman's Institute, and the Youth Club who are all regular users. The annual Remembrance
Sunday Wreath Laying Service is also held at the Institute. Please read more about this event further down this web page. The present day running of the building is the responsibility of a Management Committee, who are selected
and nominated from the residents of the town and community, together with representative Councillors. Please find the following details in respect of the senior officials of the Management
Committee, and to whom enquiries can be made in relation to the hire of the building, or any further information

Officials to the
Memorial Institute Trustees
Chairman Steve Wilson Telephone: 07817
023977 E-mail: stevefromwales@icloud.com
Remembrance Sunday

Each year on Remembrance Sunday, a service is held
in the Memorial Institute at 12.30pm. The ceremony
is attended by representatives of local committees, the congregation of St.Michael’s Church and the Bethel Chapel, together
with members of the public. The service will begin in the main Institute room, with the Rector of Caerwys officiating. Following the inside ceremony, everyone will gather outside
by the two Memorial Name Plaques (as pictured), with the Rector of Caerwys reading out the names of those killed in battle
during the first and second world wars, between 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945. After the laying of the wreaths, by the Town
Mayor, the Chairman of the Institute Committee and the Caerwys Brownies - everyone present observes a two minute silence
- followed by the playing of the Last Post.

Remembrance Sunday - 2019
Mark Wynne, Caerwys Brownies and Mayor of Caerwys Steve Copple Venerable Andy Grimwood - Archdeacon of St Asaph - conducted the Service
Mayor & Mayoress of Caerwys Steve & Jane Copple
Sunday - 2018 Venerable Andy Grimwood (Archdeacon of St Asaph), Jon Lees - Mayor of Caerwys, Caerwys Brownies and Sergeant
Vincent Murphy

Remembrance Sunday - 2017 The Venerable John Lomas Rector of Caerwys (Archdeacon of St. Asaph) Caerwys Brownies David S. Knights
- Mayor of Caerwys
Remembrance Sunday - 2016 Sergeant Vincent Murphy The Venerable John Lomas Rector of
Caerwys (Archdeacon of St. Asaph) David S. Knights - Mayor of Caerwys


Remembrance Sunday
- 2015 Lynette Edwards - Mayor of
Caerwys Sergeant Vincent Murphy The Venerable John Lomas Rector of Caerwys
(Archdeacon of St. Asaph)
Remembrance Sunday
- 2014 Sergeant Vincent
Murphy Lynette Edwards - Mayor of
Caerwys Sylvia Harris - St. Michael's


Remembrance Sunday -
2013 Jim Falshaw - Mayor
of Caerwys Venerable Chris Potter -
Rector of Caerwys Steve Wilson -
Vice Chairman of Institute Committe Sylvia Harris
- St. Michael's Church
Remembrance Sunday - 2012 Jon Webb - Mayor of Caerwys Mike Evans - Chairman of Institute Committe Venerable Chris Potter - Rector of Caerwys


Remembrance Sunday - 2011 Jon Webb - Mayor of Caerwys Mike Evans - Chairman of Institute Committe Venerable Chris Potter - Rector of Caerwys
Remembrance Sunday - 2011 Brenda Parry - wearing The Malay Peacekeeping
Medal Sam Hughes - wearing the Palestine War and World
War II Medals


Remembrance Sunday - 2010 Phillip Parry - Mayor of Caerwys Mike Evans - Chairman of the Memorial Institute Reverend Philip Clarke - Rector of Caerwys
Remembrance Sunday - 2009 Carol Gallagher - Mayoress of Caerwys Mike Evans - Chairman of the Memorial Institute Reverend Philip Clarke - Rector of Caerwys


Remembrance Sunday - 2008 Lucie Thomas ( née Wood ) - Mayor
of Caerwys Phillip Parry - Vice Chairman
of the Memorial Institute Reverend Chancellor
David Hugh Rees Assistant Priest of St. Michael's
Church, Caerwys
Remembrance Sunday - 2007 Geraint Jones - Mayor of Caerwys Mike Evans - Chairman of the Memorial Institute Canon John Evans - Rector of Caerwys
