The ABC Drama Club started in 1991, when a group of people from Afonwen, Babell and Caerwys decided to form a committee.
The play is usually staged in November, and held in the Caerwys Town Hall, with rehearsals beginning many months prior.
Apart from the actors, there are many local people who help in other ways, such as with the costumes, stage effect, make up
and lighting.
Contact details for the ABC Drama Committee
Chairman Mick Hawes Tel: 01352 721157
Secretary Richard Jenkins E-mail: abcdramacaerwys@gmail.com
Treasurer Phillip Parry Tel: 01352 720547
Due to the Coronavirus
Pandemic and in accordance with Government guidelines; there was no production held in 2020
ABC Drama Production - November 2019 Alice The Wonderland Years

Alice the Wonderland Years Lewis Carroll's classic ‘Alice in Wonderland' was published
in 1865. Parts of the story and soe of the characters are familiar even to those who have never read it. The sequel ‘Through
the Looking Glass' was published six years later. Charles Dodgson (Carroll's real name) was ordained as an Anglican priest.
This play takes the form of a radio interview
with sone of the main characters in the story, interspersed with extracts from an 1898 adaption of the story into a play by
someone known only as SSB. Warning: Anyone wanting
a serious appraisal of Alice in Wonderland or who might be tempted to say ‘most of this is totally irrelevant and some
of the references are not even to the right Alice' should look away now ! Cast in order of appearance Prologue:
Tom Hope-Parry Presenter: Ben Wheelhouse Alice: Caitlin Jackson White Rabbit: Chrissie Clews Duchess /
Cook: Erica Burney Cards: Esme Hall / Rowan Stone / Amelia Thomas / Hattie Williams Queen of Hearts: Annmaria Jones Mad Hatter: Tom Hope-Parry March Hare: Liz Holland Dormouse: Haf Read King of Hearts: Michael Berry Rev.
Charles Dodgson: Mick Hawes Tweedledee: Rusty Jenkins Tweedledum: Justy Renkins Soloist: Alice Ward Accompanist: Tim Biddle Sound & lights: George Gallagher Props supervisor: Sarah Read Set Construction: Steve Wilson / Malcolm Pulford Director:
David Grieve Written & Complied by: Mick
Congratulations to the four girls playing
the cards In the 2019-20 Full Length
Play Competition the CCTA (Clwyd Community Theatre Association) made a panel award to: The pack of four playing cards. 'Well disciplined, confident and good
team work'.

Cards: Amelia Thomas / Rowan Stone / (Duchess Erica in the centre) / Hattie Williams / Esme Hall
Haf Read
Mad Hatter: Tom Hope-Parry
/ Cook: Erica Burney



Hare: Liz Holland
of Hearts: Annmaria Jones
Rabbit: Chrissie Clews



Presenter: Ben Wheelhouse
Rev. Charles Dodgson: Mick Hawes
King of Hearts: Michael Berry &
Alice: Caitlin Jackson
Soloist: Alice Ward




The Cast

One Act Play Festival April 2019 (Theatr Clwyd, Mold)
ABC took ‘Give a Little Love’ by Alan
Stockdill to the Clwyd Community Theatre Association One Act Play Festival at Theatr Clwyd with the same cast. Debbie
- Sonia Hawes Bev - Sarah Dixon Karen - Alison Roberts Liz - Libby Edwards Director and Choreographer
- Allison Roberts Lighting/Sound - Richard Jenkins
The writer Alan Stockdill was in the audience for the performance. The
Adjudicator, Nick Wilkes gave the group’s performance a very positive review. It would have almost certainly made the
Wales Final of the Competition had marks not been lost because it was over the maximum length. Sarah Dixon won the award for
the best female performance in the competition and Alison Roberts was nominated in the same category.


Richard Jenkins, Libby Edwards, Sarah Dixon, Sonia
Hawes, Alan Stockdill (writer) and Alison Roberts
ABC Production March 2019 Oh, What a Night A ‘70s
themed evening of entertainment Combining Four
Pint Size Plays

A Night to Remember by Andrew Turner Nigel - Mick Hawes Carol - Sally-Anne Ringer Mark - Chris Bell
Survey by Hugh Smith Gill - Sue Elsergany Claire - Chrissie Clewes
A Stiff Drink by Rosemary
Darbishire Joanne - Louise Carus Landlord - Chris Bell
Nun Break by Neil
Walden Sam - Sally-Anne
Ringer Iggy - Annmarie Jones




Give a Little Love by Alan Stockdill Thirty
years ago, Karen Williams, Debbie Worksop, Bev Atkinson and Liz Barker had been schoolgirls, united by their adoration of
The Bay City Rollers. But their lives have taken very different paths in the years before Karen arranges for them all to meet
up again at a Bay City Rollers’ tribute concert, as revealed in unfolding personal stories in which it soon becomes
apparent that, like a Russian doll, we all have different versions of ourselves within our outer selves. Debbie
- Sonia Hawes Bev - Sarah Dixon Karen - Alison Roberts Liz - Libby Edwards
Announcer - Richard Jenkins Director and Choreographer - Allison Roberts Lighting/Sound - Richard Jenkins
ABC Drama Production - November 2018

by Derek Webb and an Evening of Words and Music A one-Act Comedy set in the security control room of a large shopping centre, Just as Rich arrives for the night
shift and Alex and Jane prepare to go home, after a hard day’s monitor watching, they have an unexpected and unwelcomes
guest Alex
- Ben Wheelhouse Rich - Michael Berry
Jane - Alison Roberts
Keith - Pete Blundell
Director- David Grieve Producer / Stage Manager: Kris Chambers
Set Construction: Sam Rodgers, Steve Wilson amd Kris Chambers Sound and
Lighting: Richard ‘Rusty’ Jenkins
Proceed by readings in Welsh and English by Gwen Jones and singing by Michael Berry and Owen Barton-Davies AND Three Sketches written
by ABC members: ‘Now You are Talking’ by Alice Ward. Performed by, Mick Hawes, Chrissie Clewes and Louise Carus ‘Two Brains are Better Than None’
by George Gallagher. Performed by George, Ben, Gwen and Louise. ‘Hell’ by David Grieve. Performed by David and Pete




Michael Berry
Mick & Louise



Mick & Chrissie
George, Gwen & Ben
ABC Drama Production
- April 2018 'Passion Wagon' by Colin Barrow

When kind-hearted
Brian and his long-suffering wife Stella treat his mum to a fortnight’s holiday in their touring caravan in Wales – what could possibly go
wrong? It’s
not just the stormy weather outside that makes tempers fray to breaking point. But will the bitter winds of mum-in-law Florrie
chill everyone’s ardour or will passion prevail and have the last word in this racy caravan caper? It’s 1993 and the
action takes place in the touring caravan of Stella and Brian Watts, sited on a run-down coastal caravan park. Today is the eleventh day of their
holiday. Act One Scene 1 – Morning Scene 2 – Afternoon
Act Two Scene 1 – Early evening Scene 2 – A little later
Scene 3 – 11.30pm

Cast Florrie Watts - Sonia Hawes Brian - David Grieve Stella - Alison Roberts Amy - Stephanie O’Hare Sam Pritchard - Michael Berry Tony - Sam Rogers Stanley - Richard Jenkins Paula - Erica
Cast - (Left to right) - Amy - Stephanie O’Hare / Tony - Sam Rogers / Florrie Watts - Sonia Hawes / Sam
Pritchard - Michael Berry / Stella - Alison Roberts / Brian - David Grieve / Paula - Erica Burney / Stanley - Richard Jenkins
Production Crew - Director
- Alison Roberts / Producer - Mick Hawes / Stage Manager - Kris Chambers / Set Construction -
Sam Rogers, George Gallagher, Carol Gallagher / Cast and Crew Costume
and Props - Kris Chambers / Sound/Lighting - Stephen Copple / Publicity/Rehearsal Prompt - Chrissie Clewes / Front of House/Raffle - Jane Copple
Click on photographs to enlarge
Click on photographs to enlarge
There was no ABC production held in 2017
'And there's more'........... A Night of Variety 2016 After
the success of the 2015 triple bill "Cradle to the Grave", casting problems made it look as if there might not be
a 2016 production. ABC implemented Plan B and invited friends in the town to join them in a variety show - "and there's
more". The response was magnificent resulting in a great mixture of song, spoken word, humour, music and drama. The latter
provided by two extracts from a play set at a slimming group. The show played to full houses on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th
November 2016 and was warmly received (Mick Hawes)
The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God – Brian Lord
Girl with her Uke – Gabbi Roberts The Spoken Word – Gwen Jones &
Meirwen Davies Those were the Days – Alice Ward (accompanied by Tim Biddle) Introducing….’Elfys Prees-Leigh’ ABC Drama presents….’Love Me Slender’ Scene: A weight loss group
Time: The last meeting before Christmas
Cast Lucinda: Sonia
Hawes Celia: Gwen Jones Claudette: Katie Eley
Rosie: Gabbi Roberts Siobhan: Alison
Roberts Interval
Part 2
‘Love Me Slender’ (continued)
Time: One month later Introducing….’Ray
Orbitsun’ – Michael Berry At the Drop
of a Hat – Tim Biddle, Brian Lord and Carys Biddle
Its in the Book – Mick Hawes Old
Shep – Michael Berry The Lady with
the Voice – Erica Burney Compere – George Gallagher Producer
– Mick Hawes Lighting / Sound – Richard Gallagher
/ DJ Rusty Stage Manager – Kris Chambers Set Construction – Gareth Parry & Kris Chambers
Click on photographs to enlarge
ABC Drama Production - 2015 'From The Cradle To The Grave' Three 'One Act' Plays by local writers / directors
“Fetch The Breadknife” by Mick Hawes and Peter Kennan. An alternative memoir of Midwifery in the 1950’s. Old Penny recalls when she was a young midwife in the 1950’s based in a Convent
in the East End of London. If it goes well tonight, we are going to pitch it to the BBC as a Sunday evening drama series. Cast Policeman - Brian Lord Young Penny
- Becky Shields Sister Harmonica - Alison
Roberts Sister Sensible - Sonia Hawes Girl - Becca Blackwell Floor Manager - Mick Hawes And featuring the voice of Maralynn Hunter as Old Penny


“Where There’s A Will” by George Gallagher.
The Cooper family, consisting of Granddad, his late son Fred, who had an unfortunate
accident resulting is his untimely death, Mabel, Fred’s wife and their two sons, Mark and Spencer are gathering for
Fred’s funeral. A chaotic day ensues whilst they desperately try to find his ‘last will and testament’ to
see who will get the ‘Family Cast Mabel - Sarah Dixon Mark - David Grieve Spencer
- Richard Jenkins Molly, the Maid - Becca Blackwell Granddad - Michael Berry Dolly Bird - Caroline Williams Vicar - Mick Hawes Mr Crow, the Undertaker - George Gallagher Betty, the Office Clerk - Sonia Hawes Barmaid
- Becky Shields Mr Jones; the Bank Manager - Eryl Davies Funeral Guest - Gwen Jones Detective Inspector - Brian
"The Waiting Room" by David Grieve. Harry stumbles into a nondescript waiting room with no idea how or why he got there. The only other inhabitants are
a slightly frosty receptionist called Dolores, and Ged, an enigmatic man who also seems to be waiting for something. Gradually
the picture becomes clearer with the entrance of Rita and confirms the unlikely conclusion that Ged has been forced to reach.
However, the arrival of the absurd Jeremy and Alison force Harry to reconsider everything and ask himself "what's it
all about?" Cast Dolores - Liz Grieve Harry - Rob Maundrell Woman
- Becky Shields Ged - Richard Jenkins Rita - Sonia Hawes Alison - Sarah Dixon Jeremy - Michael Berry


Production Crew
Directors - Mick Hawes, David Grieve & George Gallagher (as left picture) Producer - Kris Chambers Lighting/Sound Richard
Gallagher and DJ Rusty Stage Manager - Gareth
Parry Set Construction - Gareth Parry, Kris Chambers Cast and Crew Costumes & Props - Murray Taylor, Kris
Chambers, Katie O'Connor
ABC Drama Production
2014 'Season's Greetings' by Alan Ayckburn

Now we don't want to start Christmas like this, do
we? Cheating at Snakes & Ladders, fighting over comic books…Christmas
has arrived in the Bunker household along with family and friends. But
as the children lurk just out of sight, it is the adults who are letting the side down. Presiding over the festivities are two warring Uncles, one a kindly, incompetent Doctor with an interminable puppet
show to perform; the other a bullying retired security guard who dominates
the TV, brings toy guns for his nieces and determines there is a thief in their midst. The action takes place in the home of Neville and Belinda Bunker. The year is 1973. Act
One Scene 1
Christmas Eve, 7.30pm Scene 2
Christmas Day, Noon Scene 3 Christmas
Day, Midnight Act Two Scene 1 Boxing Day, 3.30pm Scene 2 December 27th, 5.15am

Cast Neville Bunker - Sion Huw Davies Belinda (his wife) - Rebecca Blackwell Phyllis (his sister) - Kate Jones Harvey (his uncle) - Michael Berry Bernard
(Phyllis' husband) - Eryl Davies Rachel (Belinda's
sister) - Sarah Dixon Eddie - David Grieve Pattie (Eddie's wife) - Elizabeth Burnside Clive Morris - Richard Jenkins
Cast - (Left to right) - Eryl Davies
/ Elizabeth Burnside / (Roger Jenkins) / Sarah Dixon / Richard Jenkins / David Grieve / Rebecca Blackwell / Sion Huw
Davies / Michael Berry / Kate Jones
Production Crew - Director - Geraint Jones / Producer - Kris
Chambers / Lighting/Sound - Geraint Jones / DJ Rusty / Stage Manager - Kris
Chambers / Set Construction - Gareth Parry / Roger Jenkins / Cast, Props & Costumes -
Murray Taylor, Jeni Taylor & Kris Chambers / Prompt - Elizabeth Jenkins
Click on photographs to enlarge
There was no ABC
production held in 2013

ABC Drama Production
2012 Drinking Habits ( A
Farce ) by Tom Smith The 2012
ABC Drama production, was performed at the Caerwys Town Hall on Thursday 8th November, Friday 9th and Saturday 10th November.
The performances were a sellout for the three evenings. Accusations, mistaken identities and romance run wild in this traditional, laugh out loud farce. Two nuns at the Sisters of Perpetual Sewing have been secretly making wine to keep
the convent's doors open but Paul and Sally, reporters and former fiancées, are hot on their trail. They go undercover but their presence, combined with the addition of a new nun,
spurs paranoia throughout the convent that spies have been sent from Rome to shut them down. Wine and secrets are inevitably spilled as
everyone tries to preserve the convent and reconnect with lost loves.
Click on photographs to enlarge
The Cast of ' Drinking Habits '

( Roger - bell ringer ) - Richard
- Becca - Kate - Eryl - Sarah - Iain - Louise
- Sarah
Sister Philamena Sister Augusta George Mother Superior Paul Sally Sister Mary Catherine Father Chenille
Louise Carus Sarah Wilson Richard Jenkins Kate Jones lain Wood Sarah Dixon Becca Blackwell Eryl Davies
The Production Crew
Director Producer Stage Manager Lighting / Sound Set Construction Costumes & Props Prompt
Geraint Jones Kris Chambers Gareth Parry Steve Wilson, Iain Wood & Richard Jenkins Gareth Parry & Steve Wilson Christine Melsher & Kris Chambers Liz Jenkins

Gareth, Geraint & Steve

Gareth & Kris


The Audience - and a real ' Member
of the Clergy '


The Venerable Chris Potter
Rector of Caerwys ( Archdeacon of St. Asaph ) Thanked
the cast for an enjoyable production
& evening and wondered if he should not have worn his ' Dog Collar '

